FeretMax, FeretMin, FeretAvrg, FeretRatio  
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Menu:   Measure > Parameters  
Script:   SelectParam ("FeretMax", "FeretMin", "FeretAvrg", "FeretRatio")  

Select these parameters to compute Feret diameters of objects. Feret diameters are obtained by projecting the object onto a family of straight lines with angles varying from 0 to 179 degrees. ImageWarp uses a one-degree step when collecting a set of Feret diameters.

FeretMax returns the maximum Feret diameter, i.e. the maximum distance between two tangents on opposite sides of the object.

FeretMin returns the minimum Feret diameter, i.e the minimum distance between two tangents on opposite sides of the object.

FeretAvrg return the average Feret diameter defined as the mean distance between two tangents on opposite sides of the object.

FeretRatio returns the ratio of the maximum Feret diameter divided by the minimum Feret diameter.

All the parameters are calculated in calibrated units.