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Menu:   Processing > Morphology… > Basic->Dilate  
Script:   dilate  
Use this command to dilate bright objects on the image and erode dark ones. For multiphase images
the function checks for background pixels that have foreground pixels in their neighborhood and adds such pixels to neighboring objects. For grayscale and true color images the function finds the brightest pixel in the neighborhood and replaces the central pixel with that value. The shape and size of the neighborhood pattern is selected with the Probe option. The process could be repeated in a number of successive Iterations that correspond to the distance the boundaries of the objects will expand.

If you choose this command, the following options will become available:

Displays the input image frame number. If you want to perform the operation on another image, type or select the corresponding value.  

Displays the number of the frame in which the output image will be created. Depending on the Preferences. ImageWarp will set it either to the first available value or to the Input frame number. Type or select another value if you want the output image to be created in a different frame.  
Select this check box to watch the Preview of the output image.  

Lets you select how many times the operation will be applied. Note that for the binary images ImageWarp uses a fast algorithm that renders the same result without actually performing multiple passes through the image.  
Lets you chose the size and shape of the kernel used in the operation. Probe elements with check marks are active, empty elements are ignored. Choose among the following most usable kernels:  
1x3 vertical bar
3x1 horizontal bar
3x3 cross
3x3 diagonal cross
3x3 square
5x5 circle