Hit or Miss  
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Menu:   Processing > Morphology… > Kernel->Hit or Miss  
Script:   hitOrMiss  
Use this command to select out pixels that have certain geometrical properties by performing hit-or-miss transform. The function works with a neighboring pattern that contains pixels divided into three classes: those that must be ON, those that must be OFF, and those that are ignored. This is done by using two complimentary kernels, one for the foreground pattern and another one for the background pattern. The function applies Erosion
with the Probe1 kernel followed by Dilation with Probe2. This effectively extracts those objects "hit" by the first kernel and "missed" by the second one.

The neighborhood patterns are supplied to the function as grayscale or binary images
with pixel values set to 1s for active elements of the kernels and to 0s for elements to be ignored. Use New Image comand to create kernels and Digital Editor to edit their elements.

If you choose this command, the following options will become available:

Displays the input image frame number. If you want to process another image, type or select the corresponding value.  
Displays the frame number of the grayscale or multiphase image that contains the structuring element for the operation. The size of the kernel in each dimension must not exceed 2*Overscan+1. See Preferences for more details.  
Displays the frame number of the grayscale or multiphase image which contains the structuring element defining the condition for the background pixels. In order to obtain sensible results, Probe1 should complement Probe2 like key and lock. The size of the kernel in each dimension must not exceed 2*Overscan+1.  

Displays the number of the frame in which the output image will be created. Depending on the Preferences. ImageWarp will set it either to the first available value or to the Input frame number. Type or select another value if you want the output image to be created in a different frame.  
Select this check box to watch the Preview of the output image.  
Lets you select how many times the operation will be applied. Note that for the binary images ImageWarp uses a fast algorithm that renders the same result without actually performing multiple passes through the image.