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Menu:   Processing > Arithmetic/Logic… > Logic > NOR  
Script:   norIm  

Use this function to perform a bitwise logical "NOR" between pixels in two images. Those bits that have a "0" value in both operands will be assigned "1" in the result. Applied to binary images
this function will extract only those pixels that belong to the background in both input images.

If the input images differ in types, they will be automatically converted to the type that forces conformity between the images. If the images or selections are different sizes, one or both of them will be clipped to match the minimal horizontal and vertical dimension of the images or selected regions of interests. See Arithmetic/Logic
for more details.

If you choose this command, the following options will become available:

Displays the frame number of the first input image. If you want to perform the operation on another image, type or select the corresponding value.  

Displays the frame number of the second input image. If you want to perform the operation on another image, type or select the corresponding value.  
Displays the number of the frame in which the output image will be created. Depending on the Preferences. ImageWarp will set it either to the first available value or to the Input frame number. Type or select another value if you want the output image to be created in a different frame.  
Select this check box to watch the Preview of the output image.  

Note – floating point and complex images are not valid for this operation.