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Menu:   Processing > Adjust > Hue/Saturation  
Script:   adjHueSat  

Use this command to adjust the hue and/or saturation values of an image. Hue represents color pigmentation, while saturation represents color depth or richness. If you choose this command, the Hue/Saturation dialog box will appear with the following options:

Displays the input image frame number. If you want to adjust the hue and/or saturation of another image, type or select the corresponding value.  

Displays the number of the frame in which the output image will be created. Depending on the Preferences. ImageWarp will set it either to the first available value or to the Input frame number. Type or select another value if you want the output image to be created in a different frame.  

Lets you choose the mode of changing the settings.  
Click Dialog to move the sliders with the mouse or indicate the desired values in the corresponding boxes.  
Click Mouse to change the Hue and Saturation settings simultaneously by moving your mouse. Moving the mouse upward or downward makes the Saturation slider move right or left respectively. Moving the mouse leftward or rightward makes the Hue slider move left or right respectively. To apply the changes, press the left mouse button. To switch to the Dialog mode, press the right mouse button. Note that if the AdjHueSat function was called from the script with the MOUSE mode selected, the dialog box will not appear.  
Click Preset if you want to generate a script command that will apply the function without displaying the Hue/Saturation dialog box. Select the desired values by using the sliders or corresponding boxes, and then click Apply. Make sure the Script Editor is in the Record mode. The AdjHueSat function will be recorded into the script with the selected levels, and its Mode parameter will be set to AUTO.  

Move the slider or indicate the desired value in per cent to adjust the hue (the pigment of a color) of the image.  

Move the slider or indicate the desired value in per cent to adjust the saturation (the color depth of an image) of the image. Zero value corresponds to a black-and-white image.  

Closes the dialog box and applies the function.  

Inserts the corresponding script command into the Script Editor without applying the function.