Point Measurements  
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Toolbar:   measpoints  
Menu:   Measure > Points…  
Script:   measPoints  

Use this command to perform interactive point measurements that allow you to define point features and collect information about their coordinates and intensity values. You can save the results into an ImageWarp data file and open it later as a data table
, or you can export the results to Microsoft Excel for further analysis. Before performing point measurements, make sure your image is calibrated with the proper spatial and intensity scales, and the background is corrected for transmission and optical density measurements.

When you choose this command, the Point Measurements dialog box will appear. Select the desired measurement Parameters and move the cursor over the Input image frame. The cursor will take shape of a foresight. To define the point feature, choose the appropriate place in the image and click the left mouse button. A circle will appear in the image with the color and radius determined by the Class and Radius options, and the measurement results will be displayed in the Measurement table. As you define more features, the table will be updated with new rows of data. If you click a row in the table, the corresponding feature in the image will blink. You can redefine any point feature by holding the SHIFT key, pressing the left mouse button, and dragging the feature to the new location in the image. When you release the left mouse button, the corresponding row in the Measurement table will be updated to reflect the new measurement results.

You can change the size of the dialog box by positioning the cursor near an edge or corner and dragging the two-way arrow to the desired position.

The following options are available in the Point Measurements dialog box:

Displays the number of the image frame for which the measurements are taken. If you want to perform measurements of another image, type or select the corresponding value. You can perform measurements on different images switching between them, while ImageWarp will continually add the results to the Measurement table.  
Open data
Lets you open a data file with the results saved during the previous sessions of point measurements. When you click this button, the Open dialog box will appear allowing you to select a data file from the list of files and folders. If a data file contains measurement parameters compatible with the parameters available in the Point Measurements dialog box, the saved results will be loaded into the beginning of the Measurement table, and parameters stored in the data file will be added to the set of the parameters being measured. Note that the results loaded from a data file will appear gray, indicating that they do not relate to any point feature currently highlighted in the input image.  
Lets you choose the radius of the point features for intensity measurements. Enter any value from 0 to 16. The radius of the mouse cursor used to define the features will change accordingly. If the Radius value is 0, only a single pixel will be taken into consideration.  
Allows you to select the class for the features being measured. A class is a numerical identifier that you assign to the features having similar properties. If you select a new class and continue performing measurements, the new features will be highlighted in a different color corresponding to the related index in the multiphase palette.  
Lets you select parameters for point measurements. When you click this button, the Parameters dialog box will appear with the list of available parameters. To select a parameter for measurements, click the corresponding check box. If you click a selected parameter, it will be deselected. To deselect all parameters, click Clear. As you step through the list of parameters by using the mouse or arrow keys, a brief textual and graphic description of each parameter will appear in the pane on the right. The following parameters are available in the Point measurements:  
the X-coordinate of a point feature in pixels
the Y-coordinate of a point feature in pixels
the X-coordinate of a point feature in calibrated units
the Y-coordinate of a point feature in calibrated units
the distance between a point feature and the origin of the coordinate system
the angle between the X-axis and radius-vector of a point feature
the class ID of a point feature
the ordinal number of a point feature in the current session
the average scaled intensity within a point feature circle
the average scaled red component within a point feature circle
the average scaled green component within a point feature circle
the average scaled blue component within a point feature circle
the average optical density within a point feature circle
Measurement table
Displays measurement results. The topmost row of the table lists the currently selected parameters. If spatial or intensity calibration has been applied to the current image, the corresponding units will be displayed next to the parameters' names. The first column of the table displays the ordinal number of a feature, while the second column shows the class ID. As you define a new feature in the input image, this feature will be measured, and the results will be added to the table. If you click a row in the table, the corresponding feature in the image will blink. Click the same row again to stop blinking of the feature. Note that if you use the Open Data option to load stored results from a data file, they will appear gray, and they will not relate to any feature in the image.  
Delete row
Click this button to delete the currently selected row from the Measurement table. When you delete a row of data from the table, the corresponding feature will be erased from the input image.  
Clear all
Click this button to clear the entire Measurement table and initialize the count of features. This command does not affect the data loaded from a data file and displayed in gray color.  
Export to Excel
Click this button to transfer data to Microsoft Excel for further analysis. If the Excel application is not open, ImageWarp will attempt to start it automatically before transferring data. If you receive an error message, make sure Microsoft Excel is installed in the system and you have enough memory to run both Excel and ImageWarp.  
Copy to Grid
Click this button to copy the data from the Measurement Table to the Global Grid and display it. If the Global Grid already contains some data, they will be overwritten.  

Save data
Click this button to save the measurement results into an ImageWarp data file. When you click this button, the Open dialog box will appear allowing you to enter a file name or select a data file from the list of files and folders. If you select a file in the list, its name will appear in the File Name box, and ImageWarp will ask if you want to replace this file with the one you would like to save. Note that data file stores the parameters' names along with the results. This allows you to resume performing measurements by simply opening the data file which you previously saved. You can also open a data file for further analysis by choosing Open Data on the File menu.  
Closes the Point Measurements dialog box. If you have not saved the session results to a data file, ImageWarp will offer you to do it.  
Note – ImageWarp maintains backup logs during all interactive measurements. This ensures that data will not be lost due to a sudden hardware or software failure. If the system fails or application stops responding, restart ImageWarp and choose the measurement command that was interrupted. All results from the last session will be restored and loaded into the measurement table.