Histograms Preferences  
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Menu:   Edit > Preferences > Histograms  
Script:   setHistAttr  

This tab of the Preferences dialog box lets you adjust the general settings for the Histogram displays and image processing functions based on the histogram calculations.  

Spatial Calibration
Select this check box if you want to display and measure Y-axis values according to the current spatial calibration. When the Y-axis of the histogram is calibrated, it usually represents the spatial area of each intensity value in  
the image. If you uncheck Spatial Calibration box, the Y-axis will measure a number of pixels for a given intensity value.  
Default value: Disabled  
Intensity Calibration
Select this check box if you want to display and measure X-axis values according to the current intensity calibration. If you uncheck Intensity Calibration box, the X-axis will measure the pixel's actual value.  
Default value: Disabled  
Graph type
Allows you to select the form in which the histogram graph will be presented. Select the Bars option if you want the histograms to be displayed in a bar form, when each measurement point is indicated with a bar. Select the Line options if you want the histograms to be displayed in a line form, when the measurement points are connected with a line.  
Default value: Bars  
Sampling step
Lets you select the step, which is used to collect the pixels for the histogram calculations. If this number is 1, every pixel is taking into consideration. If the number is 2, every second pixel in a row will be skipped, as well as every second row in the image. The maximum step is 16, in which case only every 16th column and 16th row is accounted. Increasing the sampling step raises the speed of the image processing functions based on the histogram calculations (most of the automatic segmentation methods), but sacrifices some accuracy.  
Default value: 1  
Ignore Black
Select this check box if you want the black pixels to be ignored when the histogram data are collected. This can significantly improve an outcome of the histogram-based functions (such as automatic segmentation), if an image is extensively dark. Uncheck this box if you want the black pixels to be taken into account.  
Default value: Disabled  
Ignore White
Select this check box if you want the white pixels (maximum permitted values for a given image type) to be ignored when the histogram data are collected. This can significantly improve an outcome of the histogram-based functions (such as automatic segmentation), if an image is oversaturated. Uncheck this box if you want the black pixels to be taken into account.  
Default value: Disabled