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Menu:   Measure > Parameters  
Script:   SelectParam ("Histogram")  

Select this parameter to calculate the pixel intensity distribution for each object. Histogram is defined as the array consisting of the number of pixels found at each gray level. The way in which the pixel values are interpreted depends on the Histogram Preferences
. If the Spatial calibration option is checked, each element of the array will contain an area of a corresponding intensity level rather than pixel frequencies. The number of elements in the Histogram array as well as the limits of intensity is defined by the Bins, Max and Min settings on the Histogram tool.

This parameter is also used to collect the histogram of the whole image or selection as a result of running the measHistorgram
function in the script. The function has two modes of operation: Array mode and Statistics mode. In the Array mode the Histogram array collects pixel frequencies as described above. In the Statistics mode the Histogram array collects statistical data associated with the histogram, as follows: Histogram(0) – Mean value, Histogram(1) – Standard deviation, Histogram(2) – Sum, Histogram(3) – Minimum, Histogram(4) – Maximum, Histogram (5) – Median, Histogram(6)–Skewness, Histogram(7) – Kurtosis.

To access a specific element of the Histogram parameter in the script, use the following syntax:

x= getParamValue("Histogram", i)

Refer to ImageWarp Language Reference for more details.