The HLS color model consists of three components: hue (H), luminance (L) and saturation (S). Hue defines the pigment of a color measured in relative values from 0 to 255 (for instance, 0 is red; 40, yellow; 85, green; 128, cyan; 170, blue; and 213, magenta), luminance defines perceived intensity measured in percent from 0 to 256 (the higher the percentage, the brighter the color), and saturation defines the vividness of a color measured in percent from 0 to 256 (the higher the percentage, the more vivid the color, while zero value corresponds to pure gray). If the processed image is a 16-bit per channel one, the upper limit for all the values is extended to 65535. During the merge operation ImageWarp treats each pixel in three input images as hue, luminance and saturation values of the correspondent pixel of the output image and converts them into the RGB triplets using color coordinate relationship. The opposite process is performed during the split operation. The processing algorithms in HLS space are applied to the luminance component only, leaving the other two components intact.