Working with Selections  
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A selection is a temporarily isolated part of an image that restricts image processing to the enclosed region. Selections are sometimes referred to as regions of interest. You can move a selection, copy it and apply image processing functions to it. You can define a simple selection that includes a single region of connected pixels, or define a multiple selection that consists of several regions. A selection is surrounded by a border of running dashes called a marquee. A marquee defines the area of a selection.

There are two types of selections in ImageWarp: 1) a standard selection; and 2) a floating selection.

A standard selection is embedded in an image. When you edit a standard selection, you modify the original image. Standard selections are surrounded by black-and-white marquees. You can create a standard selection by enclosing a part of an image with the Rectangle Selection Tool, Ellipse Selection Tool
, Freehand Selection Tool or with the Magic Wand Tool. You can add new regions to a standard selection or subtract them by pressing SHIFT or ALT keys while using selection tools. Standard selection can be inverted with Invert command from the Edit menu.

A standard selection remains embedded unless you reposition it with the Move Tool

A floating selection hovers above an image. You can move or modify it without affecting the underlying original image. Floating selections are surrounded by black-and-yellow marquees. You can create a floating selection by repositioning a standard selection with the Move Tool, by pasting the content of the clipboard into an image or by moving selections between image frames within ImageWarp (see drag-and-drop
for more details). You can convert a floating selection into a standard one and merge it with the underlying image by using the Flatten command from the Edit menu. When necessary, ImageWarp automatically converts the type of the image in the floating selection into that of the underlying image. If you start drawing a new selection, ImageWarp will automatically remove the current floating selection.

When you define a new selection, it becomes the region of interest for most processing functions and interactive dialogs. For instance, creating another selection will directly affect Histogram and Digital Editor which will update their contents accordingly. It will also be reflected in Preview
if a functional dialog box is open.

If you apply an image-processing function to an image with a selection and place the result into the same frame, only the selected area of the image will be modified. If you place the result into a different frame, the output image frame will enclose the modified selection area against the background color.

A selection could be copied and pasted or drag-and-dropped into another image. See Selection and Drawing Tools
for more details.