The YIQ color model corresponds to the U.S. commercial television broadcast standard where colors are split into a luminance value (Y) and two chromaticity values (I or I-Phase and Q or Quadrature). This color model was designed to be backwards compatible with the old black-and-white television sets and, at the same time, to take advantage of the human visual system's greater sensitivity to changes in luminance rather than changes in hue or saturation. Y is a weighted average of the colors red, green, and blue which gives more weight to red and green than to blue; I corresponds to color changing from orange to blue where the eye is much sensitive; Q corresponds to yellow-green color changing where the eye is less sensitive. The YIQ color model calls for more bits to be used to represent the Y component and few representing the I and Q components. During the merge operation ImageWarp treats each pixel in three input images as hue, luminance and saturation values of the correspondent pixel of the output image and converts them into the RGB triplets using the color coordinate relationship. The opposite process is performed during the split operation. The processing algorithms are applied to the Y component only, leaving the other two components intact.