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mulIm ( integer Input1, integer Input2, integer Output [, integer Mode =1])

Use this function to multiply two images on a pixel-by-pixel basis. The following formula is used for calculating the intensity of the target pixel:


If a pixel's result exceeds the maximum permitted intensity value for the given image type, it will be clipped or wrapped around depending on the Mode selected. If one or both images are of the complex type, the complex arithmetic is applied.

If the input images differ in types, they will be automatically converted to the type that forces conformity between the images. If the images or selections are different sizes, one or both of them will be clipped to match the minimal horizontal and vertical dimension of the images or selected regions of interests

An integer between 0 and 116 specifying the frame number of the first input image. A value of 0 represents the DMA memory buffer of the video device. Values in the range of 100-116 correspond to hidden frames.  
An integer between 0 and 116 specifying the frame number of the second input image. A value of 0 represents the DMA memory buffer of the video device. Values in the range of 100-116 correspond to hidden frames.  
An integer between 1 and 116 specifying the output image frame number. Values in the range of 100-116 correspond to hidden frames.  
An optional enumerated integer that describes the processing mode to use. Must be one of the following values:  
M_WRAP=0 - pixel values in the output image that fall outside the image's intensity range, will be wrapped around the highest permitted value.  
M_CLIP=1 - pixel values in the output image will be clipped to the highest permitted intensity value.  
M_NORMALIZE=2 - pixel values in the output image to be linearly scaled to the full intensity range of the image.  
Default: M_CLIP  
If the input image is of the floating or complex type, this parameter is disregarded.  
Error flags

The flag set if successful.  
The flag set if failed.  

This set of statements multiplies two sample images and normalizes the result:  
loadIm (1,"sample14.iwd")  
loadIm (2,"sample15.iwd")  
mulIm (1,2,3,M_NORMALIZE)