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prewitt ( integer Input, integer Output [, integer Invert =0, integer Mode =0 ] )

Use this function to detect edges on an image or their directions by applying the Prewitt operator: The filter calculates the approximation of the first derivative of the image. It is based on the following kernels:

prewitt1 prewitt2

The application of each kernel to the original image creates two auxiliary differential images X
dif and Ydif which are combined in a certain way depending on the Mode value. If an overflow occurs, the result is clipped to the minimum or maximum pixel value for the given image type. Prewit filter is sensitive to the noise and should be used for well-contrasted noiseless images.


An integer between 0 and 116 specifying the input image frame number. A value of 0 represents the DMA memory buffer of the video device. Values in the range of 100-116 correspond to hidden frames.  
An integer between 1 and 116 specifying the output image frame number. Values in the range of 100-116 correspond to hidden frames.  
A boolean integer specifying if the outcome of the function should be inverted. Must be one of the following values:  
FALSE – the direct mode. Edges are presented as bright lines on a dark background.  
TRUE – the inverse mode. Edges are presented as dark lines on a bright background.  
Default: FALSE  
An enumerated integer that describes how the two differential images are combined. Must be one of the following values:  
M_SUM – the target pixel is substituted with the sum of the absolute values of the corresponding pixels in two differential images:  
M_MAX – the target pixel is substituted with the maximum absolute value from two differential images:  
M_SQRT – the target pixel substituted with the square root of the sum of the squares of the corresponding pixels in two differential images:  
M_PHASE – the target pixel is substituted with the angle of the gradient direction: The angle is measured from the positive X-axis clockwise  
Default value: M_SUM  
Error flags

The flag set if successful.  
The flag set if failed.  


This set of statements continuously captures an image and performs edge detection by applying the Prewitt filter:  
grabIm (0)  
prewitt (0, 1, TRUE)  
loop while getError()=ERR_OK  

When the Mode is set to M_PHASE, the phase values will be calculated differently depending on the type of an image. If an image is of an integer type, the target pixel representing the angle of the intensity gradient will be rescaled so the range of possible angular values (0° -359°) will be mapped on the entire intensity scale of the image. If an image is of a floating type, the phase will be reported in radians, while the absence of the gradient will be indicated by pixels with the value of negative 1.