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setChartAttr ( integer Type [, integer Classes1 =8, integer Classes2 =8, integer Fit =1, integer
Power =1, integer Gauss =0, integer Points =1, integer Legend =1, integer Angle =45 ] )

Use this function to change the default attributes of the data charts. Equivalent to changing the Charts preferences (the Edit/Preferences menu). The default attributes define the type and appearance of new charts opened with

An enumerated integer specifying the default type of the graphs. Must be one of the following values:  
GR_BAR – data will be plotted in form of bar histogram. Measurement histograms illustrate the distribution of object population over a measurement range. The histogram's X-scale identifies the parameter's range (from its minimum value to its maximum value), and the Y-scale measures the number of objects within each measured interval. Data values in the bar histogram are represented by vertical bars.        
GR_LINE – data will be plotted in form of line histogram. Analogous to the bar histogram except that data values in the line histogram are represented by connected straight-line segments.  
GR_PIE – data will be plotted in form of round diagram. The round diagram displays the distribution of the selected parameter among the measured parameter's range. The segments of the diagram correspond to the percentage of objects within each measured interval.     
GR_3D – plots two measurements in form of 3D-histogram, where the X1-axis represent the value of the first parameter, the X2-axis represents the value of the second parameter, and the Y-axis measures the number of objects with the values of both parameters falling within corresponding intervals. Data values in the bar histogram are represented by vertical pillars.  
GR_SCATTER – plots two measurements against each other. Scattergrams are used to illustrate a correlation between two measurements. ImageWarp displays the scattergram along with its correlation factor and the best-fit line drawn through the points.  
GR_MULTI – plots the histograms of several measurements next to each other in a 3D-form. X-axis represents the measured parameter, the X2-axis serves as a divider between different data series, and the Y-axis measures the number of objects within each interval. Data values in the multi-histogram are represented by vertical pillars.  
An integer between 2 and 50 specifying the number of intervals into which the measured parameter's range will be divided. This corresponds to the number of classes displayed along the X-axis of the histogram graphs or the number of segments in the Pie diagram.  
Default value: 16  
An integer between 2 and 50 specifying the number of intervals into which the range of values of the second parameter will be divided. This corresponds to the number of classes displayed along the X2-axis of the 3D-histogram.  
Default value: 8  
A boolean integer specifying weather the best-fit line should be plotted on the Scattergram.  
Default value: TRUE  
An integer between 1 and 10 specifying the power of the polynom to be used to build the best-fit line for the Scattergram.  
Default value: 1  
A boolean integer specifying weather a Gaussian curve will be plotted on the bar or line histogram chart. The Gaussian represents a normal distribution with the same mean and standard deviation that the plotted measurement parameter has.  
Default value: FALSE  
A boolean integer specifying if data values on the line histogram or scattergram will be marked with points.  
Default value: TRUE  
A boolean integer specifying weather the legend will be displayed next to the graph. A legend is a box that identifies colors assigned to different classes on the Pie diagram or different data series on the Multi-histogram.  
Default value: TRUE  
An integer between 0 and 90 specifying the angle between the X2 axis and horizontal in degrees. Changing this value will change the perspective of the 3D-Histogram and Multi-Histogram  
Default value: 45  
The line that borders one side of the plot area providing a frame of reference for measurements or comparison in a chart. Data values are plotted along the axes which are  
Tick marks are small lines of measurements, similar to divisions on a ruler, that intersect axis. Tick-mark labels identify the values in the chart and come from the cells on the worksheet used to create the chart.  
Gridlines are lines that you can add to a chart to make it easier to view and evaluate data. Gridlines extend from the tick marks on an axis across the plot area.  
Legend is a box that identifies colors that are assigned to the data series in a chart.  
Title is descriptive text that is automatically aligned to an axis or centered at the top of a chart.  
An optional string specifying the path and name of the file from which the data will be loaded. If the path is not specified, the default directory will be used. The format of the data file is defined by a file extension. See the remarks below for a list of valid file extensions. If this parameter is omitted, the Open Data dialog box will appear allowing the user browse through the folder list and select the desired file.  
Error flags

The flag set if successful.  
The flag set if failed.  
This set of statements measures objects on a sample image and displays a 3D-histogram of two measured parameters:  
createchart(1,"","Area",0, "DMin",0)